MLEHA Meeting Held via Zoom on June 14, 2022

While the original plan was to hold an in-person meeting, COVID cut those plans short and we had to pivot to a zoom meeting, which was held at 7 PM on June 14, 2022.  During that meeting the newly proposed budget (sent to all users in the proxy mailing) was approved, as well as the following officers:

  • President: Robert Case
  • Vice President: Erica Boutelle
  • Secretary: Renee Kent
  • Treasurer: Dylan Krawczyk
  • Member At Large: Peter Trask
  • Member At Large: Brian Feroldi
  • Member At Large: Michelle Manning
  • Member At Large: Steve Lukowicz
  • Member At Large: Lynn Beatty
  • Member At Large: Jason Catelli
  • Member At Large: Tim Davis
  • Member At Large: Becca Laptook


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MLEHA HOA Meeting June 8, 2021

The annual MLEHA Homeowner’s Association meeting was held at 7 PM, June 8, 2021, at the Masonic Lodge.  A quorum was present, the budget was approved, and the following officers were elected:

  • President: Maria Leroux
  • Vice President: Erica Boutelle
  • Secretary: Renee Kent
  • Treasurer: Lynn Beatty
  • Member At Large: Peter Trask
  • Member At Large: Brian Feroldi
  • Member At Large: Michelle Manning
  • Member At Large: Steve Lukowicz
  • Member At Large: Bob Beatty
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MLEHA Annual Meeting Held June 3, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Annual HOA Meeting was held virtually using Zoom. The Annual Meeting was held at 7 PM on Wednesday June 3rd. The HOA had received more proxies on hand prior to the meeting than required for a Quorum. The budged was approved as mailed out to the homeowners. Minutes of the meeting are published on our website. The officers for 2020/2021 are:

  • President: Mike Rosendale
  • Vice President: Tricia Ruales
  • Secretary: Renee Kent
  • Treasurer: Lynn Beatty
  • Member At Large: Peter Trask
  • Member At Large: Betsy Alexander
  • Member At Large: Steve Lukowicz
  • Member At Large: Bob Beatty


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Annual Meeting Held June 25, 2019

The Annual Meeting was held at 7 PM on Tuesday June 25th at the Masonic Lodge. The budged was approved as mailed out to the homeowners. Minutes of the meeting are published on our website. The new officers for 2019/2020 are:

  • President:  Mike Rosendale
  • Vice President:  Tricia Ruales
  • Secretary:  Vacant
  • Treasurer:  Lynn Beatty
  • Member At Large:  Peter Trask
  • Member At Large:  Betsy Alexander

The board extends its thanks to departing members Steve Lucowitz (15 years of service) and Bob Beatty (20 years of service).

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MLEHA Website moved to HostGator

The MLEHA website has been moved to a different hosting service which has allowed us to support secure (https) access to our website.

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IMPORTANT: Town Council Meeting Monday June 18 7 PM

The second reading of the proposed modification to the Rolling Greens to increase the percentage of retail space from 5% to 13%, as well as the largest building size to 26,000 square feet from 10,000 square feet, will be held at the Town Council Meeting on Monday June 18th at the Beachwood Senior Center at 7 PM.

Without feedback from neighbors such as ourselves, the council will likely improve this amendment that will drastically increase the retail activity.  Please keep in mind that the developer purchased the property with full understanding of the restrictions currently in place, and multiple visioning studies have indicated that significant retail is not appropriate for that location.  There is absolutely ZERO justification for the granting of this change.

Please attend the meeting and voice your opposition.

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Officers for 2018/2019 Year

The MLEHA Annual Meeting was held on Wednesday June 13, 2018.  The proposed budget was approved as submitted, and a vote was taken to leave the front entrance plantings alone, rather than spend $2500 to redo the plantings so that the stop sign at Autumn and Old Post RD can be removed.  The following officers were elected:

  • President:  Mike Rosendale
  • Vice President:  Steve Lukowicz
  • Secretary:  Bob Beatty
  • Treasurer:  Lynn Beatty
  • Member At Large:  Peter Trask
  • Member At Large:  Betsy Alexander
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Annual Meeting Wednesday June 13 at 7 PM

Your Board of Directors of the Mountain Laurel Estates Homeowners Association (MLEHA) invites you to our 2018 Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Freemason’s Lodge, 1515 Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown (directly across the street from Mountain Laurel) on Wednesday, June 13h at 7:00pm​.

The major agenda items to be discussed are:

  • Minutes from 2017 meeting
  • 2017/2018 Treasurer’s Report
  • 2018/2019 Proposed Budget
  • Old and New Business
  • Election of Officers

The proposed Budget can be found here

The Invitation Letter can be found here

The Proxy form can be found here

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Monday Jan 8, 2018 Town Council Meeting – Stop Sign

Looks like the Stop Sign near the stop light on Autumn will be discussed during  Monday’s Town Council Meeting.  It is listed under the Old Business section of the Town Council Meeting agenda.
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Reduced Water Pressure until October

Spoke with the head of the water department today. The Slocum Road Water Tank is off-line for extended maintenance that will last until mid-October. The tank is being cleaned and painted.

While the town is aware that the water pressure is low in our area, one of the highest points in town, and they are trying to change over some pumps to boost the pressure, it will likely remain low until the cleaning/painting is completed.

There should be adequate pressure to run a shower on the second floor of homes, but there will not be enough pressure to run lawn sprinklers while using water elsewhere.

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